Special Action Plan for Patent Commercialization and Application (2023-2025)



On October 22, 2023, the General Office of the State Council of China issued the "Special Action Plan for Patent Commercialization and Application (2023-2025)" (hereinafter “Plan”). This plan aims to promote the industrialization of patents and accelerate the commercialization of innovations. Key points from the plan that are relevant to patent practitioners will be shared. 

1. Regarding existing patents 

The Chinese government will promote a market-oriented mechanism for evaluating and utilizing existing patents. Utilizing new technologies like big data and AI, high-value patents will be matched with enterprises for rapid commercialization. Collaboration between universities, research institutions, and enterprises will be strengthened to obtain industry-relevant high-value patents.

2. Regarding the process of commercialization from technology into patents

The Chinese government will support universities and research institutions to establish intellectual property management and operation funds. A quality-oriented bidding mechanism for patent agencies will be promoted. In project evaluations, institutional assessments, enterprise identifications, talent evaluations, and professional title assessments, the emphasis shall be placed on the commercialization benefits of patents, rather than solely relying on the quantity of patents.

3. Regarding the realization of patent value 

The Chinese government will promote the realization of patent value, support enterprise growth, and reduce risks in the listing process. A mechanism will be established to promote industrialization of core patented technologies and enhance market advantages. National standards will be introduced to identify patent-intensive products based on their contribution to competitiveness and added value.

4. Regarding the intellectual property market system 

The Chinese government will enhance the patent transfer registration mechanism and improve services related to open licensing transactions. A unified and standardized intellectual property transaction system will be established, promoting platform interconnection and data sharing. A statistical publishing mechanism for intellectual property transactions will be implemented, along with improvements to the evaluation system and encouragement of intelligent evaluation tools.

5. Regarding financial and tax preferential policies 

The Chinese government will initiate an evaluation pilot program concerning the financing of intellectual property pledges at banking institutions, broaden the scope of online registration for intellectual property pledges, and enhance the intellectual property insurance service.

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