Chang Tsi & Partners’ partner Simon Tsi and Spring Chang visit Argentina



(Chang Tsi & Partners’ partner Simon Tsi and Spring Chang with Argentina law firms team member)

On the eve of the European International Trademark Conference MARQUES, Simon Tsi, the managing partner of Chang Tsi & Partners, and founding partner Spring Chang, arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 5, 2019. A two-day visit and study was conducted with law firms in Argentina.

As a professional law firm with intellectual property as its core business, Chang Tsi & Partners has clients all over the world, and our business needs are increasingly global. We have established partnerships with local offices in 150 countries. around the world. Chang Tsi & Partners visits with these firms regularly, to help us understand local legislative changes, communicate customer needs, and obtain feedback from foreign agents.

In the early stages of this year’s MARQUES conference, our partners visited two local firms in Argentina. During the visit, they learned about the changes and requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of Argentina in 2019. We shared with our associates the legal needs of Chinese clients in Argentina, and learned about their concerns when dealing with Chinese clients..

As Chinese corporations begin their expansion into foreign markets, it is incumbent on us to keep pace with the cultural needs of our domestic clients. Succeeding in foreign markets often entails a detailed understanding of the cultural nuances in each new country. While modern technology has made us more mobile and agile, there is still no substitute for face-to-face meetings and the resulting goodwill that is created by these gatherings. At Chang Tsi & Partners, we are constantly adapting to the changing needs of our clients.

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