IP Commercial and Others

In addition to IP protection, corporate law and dispute resolution, Chang Tsi & Partners has been focusing on highly specialized business areas such as IP Commercial. Over the accumulated years of professional practice, Chang Tsi & Partners has become a leader in the field with its expertise.

IP Commercial

IP Commercial services are the key strength businesses of Chang Tsi. With our profound and comprehensive experience in the field of intellectual property in the global dynamic economic environment, Chang Tsi has formed a unique expertise at the intersection of intellectual property and business, and edges as a leading position in the industry. With some remarkable achievements, Chang Tsi is committed to provide our high-quality and efficient professional services.

Our services include:

  • Customized holistic IP strategy for companies
  • Global IP protection strategy and licensing strategy for trademark, patent, and copyright
  • Advisory on franchising matters
  • Advisory on IP investment, license, transfer, assignment, development, acquisition, cooperation and transaction matters, including scheme design, due diligence, negotiation and contract draft and review, and general legal support
  • Consultation on Enterprise M&A and IP investment relative issues
  • Tax law and policy consultation related to IP transfer, assignment, and investment
  • IP and patent portfolio analysis, evaluation and management
  • Advisory on IP commercialization/monetization strategy and scheme
  • IP value conversion, valuation and promotion matters
  • Assistance on construction and optimization of IP management system, IP policy and guidance, and in-house operation
  • IP lifecycle management and operation support
  • IP compliance review

Operation and Transaction Support

  • Provide full range of market research, investigation, analysis, and consulting services for IP commercial and transactions, 
  • IP commercial and trading needs and/or resource match and support,
  • Advisory and support on IP, goodwill and market value promotion, including promotion on multi-platforms for products, visit traffic and user adhesion.

Representative Cases

  • Trademark Comprehensive Strategy Development Project for BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
  • Due Diligence and Analysis for KOHLER (China)
  • Introduce a famous UK brand to China, Review and Negotiation Regarding Trademark License Contracts 
  • Investigation on Franchise and Other Legal Services for Varsity Brands
  • Consulting Services Regarding Merchandising Rights for The Walt Disney Company